
Marcin Lara

Researcher at GU Frankfurt

Online office:

Office 214
Institute of Mathematics
Goethe University Frankfurt
Robert-Mayer-Str. 6-8
60325 Frankfurt am Main

About me

I am a math postdoc at GU Frankfurt in the group of Anette Werner and (earlier) Jakob Stix.
Previously, I was a researcher at JU Krakow. Earlier, I was a postdoc at IMPAN, Warsaw, working in the group of Piotr Achinger. I did my PhD with Hélène Esnault and Vasudevan Srinivas at FU Berlin.

I am interested in arithmetic geometry, especially the étale and pro-étale fundamental groups, rigid geometry, condensed mathematics, varieties in positive characteristic and Galois representations.


Papers and preprints

  • Fundamental groups of proper varieties are finitely presented
    Joint work with Vasudevan Srinivas and Jakob Stix.
    Comptes Rendus - Série Mathématique (accepted for publication)
  • Variants of the de Jong fundamental group
    Joint work with Piotr Achinger and Alex Youcis. Submitted.
  • Specialization for the pro-étale fundamental group
    Joint work with Piotr Achinger and Alex Youcis.
    Compositio Mathematica, 158(8), 1713-1745, doi:10.1112/S0010437X2200759X
  • Geometric arcs and fundamental groups of rigid spaces
    Joint work with Piotr Achinger and Alex Youcis.
    Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2023, doi:10.1515/crelle-2023-0013
  • A theorem on meromorphic descent and the specialization of the pro-étale fundamental group
    Joint work with Jiu-Kang Yu and Lei Zhang. Submitted.
  • Homotopy Exact Sequence for the Pro-Étale Fundamental Group
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2021, doi:10.1093/imrn/rnab101
  • Fundamental Exact Sequence for the Pro-Étale Fundamental Group
    Algebra & Number Theory (accepted for publication)
  • On the inverse problem for deformations of finite group representations
  • Theses


    Im SoSe 2024 betreue ich zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Annette Werner das Proseminar über quadratische Formen. Hier ist das Programm. Es sind noch Plätze frei. Bitte lassen Sie mich per E-Mail wissen, ob Sie teilnehmen möchten.

    (EN: In the summer semester 2024, together with Annette Werner, I am supervising the Proseminar on Quadratic Forms. Here is the Programme. There are still places available. Please, let me know via email if you want to participate.)